Kid Cudi is not the best lyricist, and he is not the most talented rapper, but he makes deep music with messages that he truly believes in, and I can totally respect that. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Kid Cudi, not a huge fan, but I really respect his music and his message. He truly is a beautiful person with a beautiful message that mos t underground rappers are not able to deliver to the masses. He has a very unique sound that has progressed thoroughly through the years. I personally really enjoy his sound, style, and his music. Some of my favorite songs include Soundtrack 2 My Life, Day N Nite, Make Her Say, Pursuit of Happiness, Hyyer, Up Up & Away, Mr. Rager, All Along, and my favorite song, Solo Dolo.
To summarize, if you are looking for some music with some great deep messages, listen to some Kid Cudi, and he is definitely not a one hit wonder, because I am positive I have heard Pursuit Of Happiness on the radio numerous times as well. He is dropping his new album, "WZRD" sometime late February, so be on the lookout for that.
Although Kid Cudi is not my favorite rapper, this tweet from him summarizes my opinion on the rapper. "
U can argue who's the best mc, who's the freshest, who sales the most, but it is no contest when I say I am the ONLY one who can do what I do."
Rapper Rating: 9.1/10
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